Sunday, April 18, 2010

Exile Chapter 2 rewrite

I've finished the second draft of Exile Chapter 2 and it can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

This chapter is the last part of what was the prologue in the first draft. I've made some significant changes to this chapter from the original, mostly having to do with the character Silmera's role, which explains a little more about her character sooner, and explains a certain even that is of importance later in the story. Also I've done some more rearranging of sentance and paragraph structure to make it more readable and such as well, along with some better description for character appearances and settings and the like.

The first draft of this story ended at 117,352 words.
The Second draft is currently at 120,829 words.

So yeah, in just what was the prologue of the first draft alone I've added 3500 words, which is about the equivilant of an entire chapter. If that doesn't show you how much work this story needs to make it readable, nothig will haha.

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