Friday, August 6, 2010

Exile Chapter 46 rewrites

I've finished chapter 46 of the second draft of Exile and it can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

This chapter is the climax, where the hero of the story, Mal, triumphs over everything and solves all the world's problems. You'll have to read it if you wanna know how.

Fayt Nightfang, our antagonist does get away at the end of the chapter, HOWEVER, he's also got a Wizard and a Heretic out for his blood. I think it more fitting that Aaron be the one to defeat Nightfang in the end being his former student and all, rather than Mal, so I gave Mal another enemy to triumph over and relegated Nightfang to a position slightly lower than antagonist.

When I began this draft I actually had two ideas for how this story would end, they were similar, though very much different as well. I'm glad that I chose to go in this direcion, because this is really the more fulfilling end.

Oh yes, and I finally tell you what's up with the Dark God, why he hates humans so much, and why he protects Silmera.

Again, this chapter leaves off with a bit of a cliffhanger to let people know that even though Mal has had his triumph over evil, the story is not quite over yet. Remember, there's still a prophecy to be fulfilled. This chapter takes place in 4 different locations in 5 different viewpoints to keep the consistency with the way I've done things throughout the buildup to this climax.

The first draft of this story ended at 117,352 words.
The second draft is currently at 240,458 words.

Less that a hundred words were added to the word count because I deleted the remnants of the ending from the first draft from the tail end of the manuscript, as I decided taht there are no more parts analogous to them, and so no more text from that draft is salvageable. There are only two chapters left, and I think I'll be able to get them done this weekend, monday or tuesday by the latest. The epilogue is already written, I actually wrote that part of this draft first, though I have one paragraph to add to it due to the adding of Patrick and Weasel and the storyline that will be coming into the third draft.

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