Friday, March 14, 2014

Commercials... and book reviews.

Okay, I have a bit of a beef with the people making commercials.  Namely the commercials that have dead celebrities CGed into them.  STOP DOING IT ALREADY!!!  Seriously!  Not only is is weird and creepy, but they always look fake and plastic, and they never move right.  And most importantly, it is EXTREMELY DISRESPECTFUL TO THE DEAD!!!  Is it not enough that they spent their lives entertaining you?  Do you really need to use their likenesses to sell crap that people don't need after their deaths?  I'm looking at YOU Dove Chocolate.

In other news, I have a bunch of book reviews I've done that I didn't have time to post here on my blog.  You can find the full list here.  Click the link marked "View" on the far right of each to go to the review. 

Or my big recent one is Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson.